Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Stone Bridge - Day 15 - Pont de Pierre Jour 15

Watercolor 12*16 inches on Arches paper
From Paul Jones's photo in Paint My Photo

Aquarelle, 31*41 cm sur papier Arches
A partir de la photo de Paul Jones sur Paint My Photo.

The artwork for day 15 will be found here.
Today still rough paper and a quite detailed landscape. We are halfway through! So soon. But it's a relief as I find it more difficult to be on time lately and would like to spend more time on my watercolors, or go back to acrylic painting, which takes more time for me to complete. I'm happy to have tried subjects unusual for me like landscapes and would like to try different ones like cityscapes or portraits but they could take me more than one day...We'll see. In the meantime let's continue the exercise for 15 other days.

Les peintures du 15e jour pourront être vues ici.
Aujourd'hui toujours papier à gros grain et paysage assez détaillé. Nous sommes à mi-chemin! Déjà! C'est un soulagement car je trouve plus difficile actuellement de faire mon aquarelle tous les jours et souhaiterais passer plus de temps sur mes oeuvres, ou faire de l'acrylique, ce qui est plus long. Jusqu'ici, je suis contente d'avoir essayé des sujets inhabituels pour moi comme les paysages, et souhaiterais en essayer d'autres comme les villes ou les portraits mais ils risquent de me prendre plus qu'un jour...On verra. En attendant en route pour les 15 derniers jours.


mimi boothby said...

nice landscape. I am feeling the pinch too. Maybe I'll do more than one small painting today to buy me some breathing space!

Annie Jolivet-Vilbois said...

Thank you, Mimi! It is a solution.

Art Group 360 said...

Nice work Anna! We're half way there!

Art Group 360 said...

Nice work Annaigart! You're quite ambitious but you're half way there.

Annie Jolivet-Vilbois said...

Thank you, Linda! Yes, we're half way there.