...and it is still to be continued. I redid some zones that had a "too complicated" color in my opinion with a simpler mix and tried to keep my colors bolder than usual. I have still work to do but I'm happier with the result now.
watercolor and watercolor pencils, 18*24 cm, 7*9 inches My iris heart inspired to try some loose watercolor and watercolor pencils studies. Here is one of these. I like using the watercolor pencils on a wet surface. They seem to melt into the paper and the line they leave is blurry. Vivid watercolor adds depth and focal points to the result.
Continued very slowly. This snapshot was taken with artificial lightning and re-balanced with sofware so as to be closer in color to the painting. I'm not quite happy with the painting's colors. I may rework some parts. I think it will take longer than scheduled...
Lilac, watercolor, 18*24 cm, 7*9 inches. A little watercolor done while procrastinating in front of the Iris heart acrylic. Here is the progress on the iris wip. I did a violet layer, that seems blue in the photograph, then begun to smooth the transitions in some zones.
Step 1 I have begun a relatively big painting of the heart of an iris on canvas ( 55*46 cm, 22*18 inches ). I first draw the main lines with charcoal then used red and ochres to do the underpainting. The aim is to make the colour vibrate with its complementary when I do the mainly violet overpainting. step 2
A fairy with butterflies watercolor and ink, 18*24 cm, 7*9 inches. On wetcanvas, there is a game in which eBay selling artists each month make artworks fitting a theme. That was to be my contribution to the january-february game. I guess I'm a bit late...