Watercolor, 18*24 cm, 7*9 inches. I have left less whites than I expected. I tried new effects: spraying with watercolor in a little spray bottle, and using black ink spots. The background is less saturated than my usual backgrounds.
I'm painting an iris watercolor. I tried applying the dark colors in the flower first, while my usual method is to do as much of the background as possible first. I plan to leave more white zones than usual too.
This one is a kind of doodle or sketch I made with Pitt pencil. I call it "girl in the wind". It gives me lots of ideas for a new acrylic painting or a watercolor series.
Watercolor, 18*24 cm, 7*9 inches. I enjoyed doing this rose in a lose style with vivid watercolour paints. It is near abstract, yet you can still see the rose. I like the way the background and petals mix in the left side.
Watercolor 18*24cm, 7*9 inches. Sometimes I feel a need to do some abstract or near abstract art. This one is inspired by snowstorms in forest. Lots of water and salt were used in this watercolor. I like the soft, feathery feeling it gives to the whole. More abstraction to come in the near future.
I did the eyes and nose in detail, then applied blue, sienna and raw unmber washes over the cheeks and forehead. I'm afraid I forgot to catch some of the intermediate steps this time. I then used some ultramarine to add volume to the eyes. I'm happy not to have used Payne's Gray for the dark areas. I think using Raw Umber only gives it a gentler expression. Payne's Gray could be too dark sometimes. Soon on eBay.
This is a new watercolor I'm beginning, a cat's face. I began with doing a lot of cat's hair with a small sable brush. Some people begin with washes to have the whole head defined, I prefer to define it with the small strokes of the hair. It may be because I'm usually more comfortable with line than color? I'll try the washes first technique another time. Next step: the blue in the eyes and the rose nose.